2019 – 20 Beach School Holiday Program
Bring your multi-age School Holiday Program to explore the intertidal rockpools and sandy beaches of Ricketts Point Marine Sanctuary! Discover common marine creatures and learn about their adaptations for survival in this harsh and highly changeable environment. Learn about human impacts on marine life while taking in the sea air to connect, discover and play!
Program Outline:
This program can be 2 hours (3 activities) or 4 hours (5 activities) depending on your needs.
Safety Talk & Welcome:
A brief overview of what makes Ricketts Point special, of how to stay safe at the beach and the logistics of the program
Beachcombing Scavenger Hunt: Tune-in to the amazing world of the intertidal zone by looking at our collection of marine artefacts. Then explore the sandy shores to see if you can find some of the items on our beachcombing poster. Students connect with treasures washed ashore and identify human impacts on the sanctuary.
Seagulls vs Hermit Crabs:Experience first-hand the harsh reality of life in the intertidal environment. Who will survive to see another day? You’ll have to be fast and keep your wits about you! What can we do to help keep the balance right? This is a game of tag with a difference.
Creativity Challenge: Test your skills with these great sand sculpting and ethereal nature-art challenges and compete to take home a beachy prize from the Gould League in this team-work challenge. Students gain appreciation for the recreational value of the beach, gain a sensory experience in the sand and seaweed, and work collaboratively with one another.
Fatal Food Relay: Eating can be dangerous when you’re a marine creature. Learn more about how human waste can negatively impact sea life in this active and dramatic relay game.
Rockpool Ramble: Take a walk out on to the rock platform and see what different forms of life you can find. How do these creatures survive when the tide changes? What and how do they eat? Discover the highly original and adaptive creatures of the intertidal zone.
Restrictions: Program is dependent on tides therefore available dates are limited. More than 4 classes can be accommodated by special request; only available during a 4 hour program.
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