Building Teacher Capacity
Capacity building of teachers is one of the key objectives of Gould League. We’ve been doing it since 1909, so check our current Teacher Professional Development Days. Gain professional development points in one or more of these 5 hour PD events that addresses 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 6.2 and 6.3 in the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers.
Friday 19th April @ Gould League Sustainability Education Centre, Cheltenham: 10am to 3pm – for Primary School and ELC Teachers
Learn how to address Eco Anxiety and enhance your environmental education in the classroom by joining international Sustainability and Circular Economy expert Anne-Maree McInerney and biodiversity experts in this fun and engaging Professional Development Day. Together we will investigate long term and innovative solutions to our waste crisis in Australia, the importance of mini-beasts for teaching sustainability, and how we teach about natural resources and biodiversity – so we inform but not overwhelm students.
The day will include 2 main workshops:
- Circular Economy and Beyond – Pathways to a Sustainable Future
- The GOOD the BAD and the UGLY of Plastics
Plus, the opportunity to tour through our centre and explore all the hands on learning spaces on offer to students who visit for excursions. Full program details and registration can be found HERE.
Thursday May 2nd @Toolangi State Forest: 9.30am to 3.30pm – for Primary and Secondary School Teachers proudly sponsored by EUCALYPT AUSTRALIA to celebrate National Eucalypt Day.
As educators, how do you approach the subject of the environment in a way that reduces student anxiety, inspires action and provides essential field work? Do you have sufficient skills? Gould League General Manager Anne-Maree McInerney, a renowned global sustainability advisor, will lead a day-long immersion into the forest alongside other experts in forest and water conservation. Come immerse yourself in nature and celebrate the tallest flowering trees in the world and the world’s tallest MOSS as part of National Eucalypt Day. We will provide practical solutions to the many challenges facing society such as failing ecosystems, species extinction, food security, waste management, and climate change and be introduced to the concept of the “Blue Economy”, which involves adopting a circular economy model that drives systemic change and zero waste. It has the potential to promote sustainable growth and productivity across all segments of society, with game-changing innovations that address environmental issues. This innovative approach to real-world learning offers a glimpse into the future of education, building resilience, creating jobs, and contributing positively to society and the environment.
We will also look at the EcoSystem services of the Yarra Ranges catchment and provide an opportunity learn new skills. Discover:
– The animals of the forest and how they are adapting to survive and thrive
– How to measure carbon in a tree
– How to measure and assess fuel hazards in the forest
– How to undertake plant transects to measure change over time and or biodiversity
Our updated program and registration can be found HERE. All Gould League Teacher PD’s are FREE with lunch and refreshments provided. Please advise dietary requirements when booking.
Let us provide hands on learning activities linked to the curriculum that MAKES LEARNING FUN, so your kids are not so disconnected from the world in which they live – as the more they are connected to the natural world, the more they will fight to protect it! It’s the perfect PD for Science and Geography Teachers!
We also provide in house Teacher Professional Development
Education is unquestionably a unique and powerful lever for change in society – and a particularly important one as far as sustainable development is concerned. Yet, are we teaching the right things? The nature economy is expected generate up to $10.1 trillion in annual business value and create 395 million jobs by 2030. But who is teaching the jobs of tomorrow and how to critically think and problem solve? Let us give you a taste of the extraordinary innovation and answers nature provides to everyday challenges. It’s bound to surprise and delight you – and ultimately your students!
For further information contact: / 0431 107 389 / 0419 193 134.