Recycling Rules Incursion

  • Recycling
  • Waste Minimisation
  • Sustainability
kinder recycling-2

Incursion Overview

Children bring their favourite Teddy to share this recycling adventure as they use their imaginations to follow the journey from enjoying a bite with friends to reducing your waste. Using a story, song and hands-on exploration, students will be introduced to the magic of recycling, how to identify what material products are made from and how to choose the right bin.

Activities include:

  • A storybook introduction to get tuned in.
  • Discover the amount of waste is generated from a simply sharing a meal together.
  • Intentional and guided play-based activities support children in learning about items that can be recycled and where they end up.
  • A challenge to become wonderful Party Planners
  • Singing a song consolidates the learnings from the day!

Duration: Can be customised based on the needs of your learners. We recommend 45 minutes.

Restrictions: Maximum of 25 children per Gould League educator.

Equipment: All children participating in this program are strongly encouraged to bring a Teddy from home or from the Centre to share this experience!

Curriculum Connections:

Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework: Outcome 2
National Quality Standards: Standard 3.3