Our Supporters

Having been around for more than 110 years, it’s no surprise to learn we’ve had support from all levels of government, thousands of volunteers, teachers, environmental educators, the broader business community and more than a million members  in our goal to empower teachers, students and the community to live more sustainably through education in, about and for the environment.”

There are way too many to mention them all, however Gould League would like to pay tribute to our ongoing partners, and those who have helped us through two very tough years of ongoing Covid restrictions and the post covid recovery.

Supporters/Partners  include:

  • Department of Education and Training who provide our wonderful facilities at Cheltenham and licensing of the Victorian Curriculum F-10 content elements and VCE Study Design extracts.
  • Parks Victoria.  We are honoured to be licensed Parks Victoria Tour Operators at Rickets Point Marine Sanctuary and Toolangi State Forest.
  • Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA) for supporting us via use of facilities at Toolangi State Forest and licensing of education programs.
  • CFA Toolangi for ongoing use of their facilities – toilets for school programs and use of the training rooms for Teacher PD’s.
  • The Risk Manager Ross Macfarlane for providing us an OH&S assessment and support with our OH&S audits, policies etc.
  • Corrections Victoria as Community Work Partners on weekends delivering support to maintain our facilities at Toolangi State Forest.
  • Beaumaris Surf Club and Marine Education Centre for hosting our marine programs.
  • Le Page Primary School who cohabitants with us at Cheltenham.  We greatly appreciate their flexibility with use of facilities like toilets, gardens and the hall.
  • Schools from all over Greater Melbourne and Regional Victoria who have been putting their trust in us for decades to empower teachers, students and the community to live more sustainably through education in, about and for the environment.
  • Our Donors and members who contribute to program development to help us build social and environment capital and strengthen Gould League’s legacy as an enduring caretaker of our magnificent Australian environment.
  • Online customers who at times have been our only source of revenue with some 263 days of lockdown over two years.
  • Our incredible, passionate and dedicated board, staff and volunteers who are the backbone of our organisation, dedicated to capacity building in schools, communities, business and government to create more sustainable environmental outcomes for all!

Grant Sponsors include:

  • Maddocks Foundation who allowed us to deliver free buses or discounted programs to disadvantaged schools.
  • Sodastream for providing us use of their worldwide VR game – Oceans of the Future
  • Australian Treasury for Covid support through Job Keeper and tax exemption.
  • Departments of Jobs, Precincts and Regions for Covid Relief Grants.
  • South East Water for support with resources for our water and marine programs.
  • City of Kingston for support with an open day and to allow us to develop a bird identification kit to aid residents whilst in lockdown and a Open Day to share our programs with the broader community.
  • Victorian Government and Public Record Office Victoria who provided a local history grant to allow us to sort through thousands of pieces of historical information/materials so it could sorted, catalogued and archived – and in some instances shared or brought back to life again thanks to new technologies. Gould League gratefully acknowledges the support of the Victorian Government, through the Community Support Fund, and Public Record Office Victoria for making this project possible.
  • Bayside Council for a grant to develop content for people of all ages around cultural and environmental heritage of Bayside – specifically Ricketts Point Marine Sanctuary.
  • Eucalypt Australia who continually support our Teacher PD’s at Toolangi State Forest as part of National Eucalypt Day.

As Australia’s old registered environmental charity, we’d also like to thank the Register of Environmental Organisations (ROE) and  the Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commission (ACNC)  for their ongoing support.   

If you’d like to learn how you can get involved and support Gould League, call our General Manager
Anne-Maree today on 03 9585 7860  or email her gould@gould.org.au