
Sustainability Education Centre – Cheltenham

Beetle Our one-of-a-kind Sustainability Education Centre is located within Le Page Primary School in Cheltenham, a bayside suburb of Melbourne.  It features popular themed rooms like Wastelands, 3Rs and the Incredible Shrinking Machine which provide immersive learning environments.  Our mini-beast garden is perfect for observing urban biodiversity!  More information…

Location (Google Maps)
Driver Map (PDF)

Ricketts Point Marine Sanctuary – Beaumaris

Ricketts Point Marine Sanctuary, located in Beaumaris (South-East Melbourne), offers a fabulous learning environment of rockpools and sandy beaches. The Marine Education Centre within Beaumaris Life Saving club provides amenities and learning support. More information…

Location (Google Map)
Driver Map (PDF)

Toolangi State Forest – Toolangi

Toolangi State Forest, just past Dixon’s Creek on the edge of the Yarra Valley offers an immersive learning environment in Victoria’s tall forest region. We visit a temperate rainforest, mountain ash forest and logging coupe (using your bus as transport), while our Discovery Tree room provide amenities.

Location (Google Map)
Driver Map (PDF)

Beaconsfield Flora and Fauna Reserve and Wetlands

This 25 ha Flora and Fauna Reserve and Wetlands centred around the Cardinia Creek is home to a diversity of local plants, from grasses and shrubs to trees, water plants and rare orchids; and provides habitat for native animals including a wide variety of birds, platypus, echidnas, wombats, frogs and skinks. Learn about weeds and weed management, the importance of diversity and much more…

Location (Google Map)
Driver Map (PDF)

Incursions – Your School

If you are in the greater Melbourne region and can’t make the trip to our Sustainable Education Centre in Cheltenham, don’t despair, we can bring the learning resources and educators to your school!

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