Ricketts Point Marine Sanctuary

The Sanctuary offers a fabulous learning environment of accessible rockpools, sandy beaches which show evidence of human impacts and an array of intertidal and coastal plant and animal life.
The Marine Education Centre within Beaumaris Life Saving club not only provides shelter and amenities as required on the day of your program, but is a wonderful resource to support your student’s learning. The Centre hosts interpretive signage panels and an AV system.
The animals we encounter on the day vary, as we do not keep any animals in tanks, rather we explore the rock platform at low tide to discover the variety of organisms that are hiding under rocks and in rockpools, and a nearby storm water drain and evidence of litter along the sandy beach provide great conversation starters about human impacts on this special place!
To learn more about the wonders beneath the waves at Ricketts Point and why this place is so special, check our this VIDEO!
Ricketts Point Marine Sanctuary Excursions