Food Webs Kit – Secondary


Food Webs Kit Secondary includes:

  • 64 page resource book with activities designed for different year levels directly linked to school curriculum
  • 29 large Australian full colour cardboard cut-outs
  • 17 large Antarctic full colour cardboard cut-outs
  • 19 large African full colour cardboard cut-outs

The big, bright cut-outs can also be used for all sorts of activities. Attach them to magnet strips for easy manipulation on your white-board, punch holes in them and attach twine or wool to make lanyards for students during food web games, create hanging mobiles, whole class activities and more. 


Each kit includes:

  • 64 page resource book with activities designed for different year levels directly linked to school curricula
  • 29 large Australian full colour cardboard cut-outs
  • 17 large Antarctic full colour cardboard cut-outs
  • 19 large African full colour cardboard cut-outs

The big, bright cut-outs can also be used for all sorts of activities. Attach them to magnet strips for easy manipulation on your white-board, punch holes in them and attach twine or wool to make lanyards for students during food web games, create hanging mobiles, whole class activities and more. Activity books included.

Link these activities with the Gould League’s online interactive food web activities.