
Rising costs are having an impact on our daily operations. It is especially challenging for us, as a non-profit organisation, because we are reluctant to pass these costs on to school or the families of the visiting students in the form of higher fees. It is essential that our message is delivered at an affordable price to avoid jeopardising school visits. Our visitation fees can not become prohibitive.
I has been many years since Gould League, once under the umbrella of the Department of Education, has received steady federal, or state government funds. Therefore, we rely on income generated by the programs we deliver schools, sparse public and private grants, corporate and individual memberships, donations and bequests.
To ensure our own economic sustainability and so that our message of environmental responsibility and sustainable living can be taught to another generation of school children, we need your help. Please consider a one off or reoccurring donation, bequest or membership – especially a corporate membership.
You can make a tax-deductible donation via the form below, just select from the options or enter any other value – or by adding an amount to any other product purchased in our Online Shop. If you would like to make regular ongoing plans or would like to discuss Corporate support or a bequest, please call our General Manager Anne-Maree on 0429 193 134 or email her
Did you know?
We are an independent organisation on the ‘Register of Environmental Organisations’
Donations fund the purchase of equipment for our school programs, updating our displays, staff time to enhance our current programs and teacher resources and more. If you have specific requests as to how your donations are spent, then please let us know.
We have Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) and Tax Concession Charity status. All donations over $2 are fully tax deductible.
Speak to our General Manager for larger donations (over $10,000) that you, or your organisation would like to make.
Want to support Gould League? You can host a fundraiser online. Alternatively, we welcome the traditional bake-sale in your workplace or school to raise funds on our behalf!
Bequests from supporter’s wills provide an invaluable form of support to allow us to provide many services that would otherwise not have been possible. Ask your legal advisor about how to make a charitable bequest to Gould League.
Sponsor a school excursion, Teacher professional development, A Community Open Day, free buses or support so disadvantages schools and communities are one of our themed classrooms, vegetable garden, or a Community Open day for naming rights! Please contact us to discuss.
For further information about how you can support Gould League with your charitable donations please contact us.