EASL 2024 FREE GIVEAWAYS from Gould League
Your free copy of the NEXT BOX BOOK can be found at https://gould.org.au/wp-content/uploads/woocommerce_uploads/2019/11/The-Nestbox-Book-by-Gould-League-for-fire-recovery-mcogoy.pdf
Your free copy of ENVIRONMENTAL STARTERS can be found at https://gould.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Environmental-Starters.pdf
Should you or any of your colleagues wish to attend either our free Biodiversity and Waste PD for Kinder/ELC/Primary Teachers on April 19 at our Cheltenham Sustainability Education Centre, or our Primary and Secondary Science, Geography and Sustainability Teacher PD at Toolangi State Forest Thursday May 2nd, you can find all the details at https://gould.org.au/teacher-pd-in-2024/
Notes from my presentation titled “Innovation and Inspiration from nature – it’s worth more than you realise” can be found at https://gould.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/AMM-EASL-presentation-2024-for-distribution-1.pdf
For those who wished to receive “stick insect eggs” and an I”nsects of Australia Poster,” these will be posted as soon as we have more eggs to share. We were rather overwhelmed by the request, so know these will be forth coming. Instructions for the care of your eggs and stick insects can be found at https://australian.museum/learn/animals/insects/care-of-stick-insects/
We trust you enjoyed EASL as much as we enjoyed being part of it as we are passionate about what we do, and always love to support teachers and students through hands on, interactive incursions and excursions and Teacher Professional Development.
Until next time our paths cross, all the best!
Anne-Maree and the Team at Gould League