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  • 2023 Badge

    Eastern Ground Parrot Badge (2023)


    Eastern Ground Parrot (2023)

    The Eastern Ground Parrot (Pezoporus wallicus) was chosen in 2023 in recognition of the United Nations International Year of Millets.

    Millets are incredible plants that are drought tolerant, encourage healthy soil biota and microbes and provides habitat for the Eastern Ground Parrot. This secretive little parrot inhabits south-eastern Australia from southern Queensland through NSW to western Victoria. It also previously lived in South Australia but has not been recorded since 1945. Across Australia populations have declined due to habitat destruction through fires and land clearing, and predation by foxes and cats. In Victoria it was listed as endangered in 2020 and is considered in significant decline. It’s now contracted to islands of coastal or sub coastal heathland and sedge land habitats.

    The Eastern Ground Parrot is one of only five ground-dwelling parrots in the world. The others being the western ground parrot, extremely rare Night Parrot, the Antipodes parakeet, and the highly endangered Kakapo from New Zealand.

    Other badges include:

    • Green and Gold Bell Frog Badge (2000)
    • Whale (2002)
    • Dolphins (2004)
    • Sugarglider (2005)
    • Koala (2006)
    • Wombat (2007)
    • Saltwater Crocodile (2010)
    • Orchid (2011)
    • Brolga (2012)
    • Leadbeater’s Possum (2013)
    • Seastar (2014)
    • Tiger Quoll (2016)
    • Swift Parrot (2017)
    • Leaf Tail Gecco (2018)
    • Fairy Wren (2019)
    • Crimson Rosella in Golden Wattle Tree (2020)
    • Cassowary (2021)
    • Weedy Seadragon (2022)
    • Eastern Ground Parrot (2023)
    • Yellow Footed Rock Wallaby (2024)

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  • Superb Fairywren Badge

    Superb Fairywren Badge (2019)


    Supurb Fairywren Badge (2019)

    Did you know the adult male Superb Fairywren is one of the most brightly coloured of the species, especially during the breeding season? They have rich blue and black plumage above and on the throat. Their belly is grey-white, and their bill is black. Females and young birds are mostly brown with a dull red-orange area around the eye and a brown bill. Females have a pale greenish gloss, absent in young birds, on the otherwise brown tail. The legs are brown in both sexes. Males from further inland and in the south-west of the Great Dividing Range have more blue on their back and underparts.

    If you want to attract Superb Fairy-wrens to your garden, they like to live in bushy trees or thickets with prickly branches or leaves about a meter off the ground, to provide a place to retreat from danger (especially cats) and to build a nest.  They like to eat insects, especially grasshoppers so you can help them by having an area of lawn or leaf mulch to attract insects as a readily available food supply for them. Avoid using garden pesticides which kill insects. In summer, don’t forget to provide a tub of water so they can bath and drink from it.

    Don’t be surprised if one colourful male seems to be accompanied by a harem of brown birds. These are juvenile males and females and a breeding female.  Keep an eye out on the males, it’s not unusual for them to fight their own reflection in windows during the breeding season!