Birds of South-Eastern Australia URBAN AREAS (Book 1 in the series) PDF only


Birds of South-Eastern Australia – URBAN AREAS Book 1 in the series (PDF only)
This book is the first in the series of severn depicting the birds of south-eastern Australia. It features pigeons, finches, lorikeets, rosellas, honeyeaters, wrens and more…140 of our most common urban birds are succinctly described and beautifully and accurately illustrated in this pocket-sized field guide.

This is now only available as a downloadable PDF. PDF download link will be sent immediately after payment is received. You will have 14 days only to download your copy.

Other books in this series are:
Birds of South-eastern Australia 2: The Ranges
Birds of South-eastern Australia 3: Oceans, Bays and Beaches (PDF only)
Birds of South-eastern Australia 4: Inland Waters
Birds of South-eastern Australia 5: Dry Country
Birds of South-eastern Australia 6: Rare
Birds of South-eastern Australia 7: Farmlands

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This book is the first in the series of seven depicting the birds of south-eastern Australia. It features pigeons, finches, lorikeets, rosellas, honeyeaters, wrens and more…140 of our most common urban birds are succinctly described and beautifully and accurately illustrated in this pocket-sized field guide.  Check out the gallery for what you can expect to find in this fantastic pocket guide.

Other books in this series are:
Birds of South-eastern Australia 2: The Ranges
Birds of South-eastern Australia 3: Oceans, Bays and Beaches (PDF only)
Birds of South-eastern Australia 4: Inland Waters
Birds of South-eastern Australia 5: Dry Country
Birds of South-eastern Australia 6: Rare
Birds of the South-eastern Australia 7: Farmlands

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