Birds of South-Eastern Australia THE RANGES (No 2 in the series)


Birds of South-Eastern Australia THE RANGES (No 2 in the series)
No 2 in this series features parrots, thrushes, pigeons, robins, honeyeaters, lyrebirds and more – our most common South-eastern Australian birds that live on the Ranges. These are succinctly described and beautifully and accurately illustrated in this pocket-sized field guide.

Other books in this series are:
Birds of South-eastern Australia 1: Urban Areas (PDF only)
Birds of South-eastern Australia 3: Oceans, Bays and Beaches (PDF only)
Birds of South-eastern Australia 4: Inland Waters
Birds of South-eastern Australia 5: Dry Country
Birds of South-eastern Australia 6: Rare
Birds of South-eastern Australia 7: Farmlands

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