FREE Resources for Primary and Secondary Teachers from Ricketts Point Marine Sanctuary Teacher PD Day

Thanks so much for attending our recent PD Day at Ricketts Point. As promised, please find below the relevant resources to accompany it.

– Introductory presentation slides can be found here.
– Video on Ricketts Point can be found at
– For more information on Ricketts Point Marine Sanctuary refer:
– Ocean Literacy slides by Harry Breidahl can be found here.
– Ocean Literacy Education Report
– Overview on Eco-Anxiety by Headspace can be found here.
– Article by the Conversation. Eco-anxiety: climate change affects our mental health – here’s how to cope!
– The introduction to the Blue Economy and Waste activity can be found here.
– For those with young learners, get your copy of “Environmental Starters” here.
– Program information for incursions and excursions can all be found at
– Waste and Forestry PD details for Term 2 can be found at

Please note your PD certificate of attendance will be sent under separate over in the next few days. We apologies for any inconvenience this delay has caused.

We look forward to seeing you and your students at one of our programs in the not too distant future.

Anne-Maree McInerney Greta Muhleisen
General Manager Bookings Co-Ordinator