
Wildscapes – Funded Biodiversity Gardens



Gould League is excited to announce our new Wildscapes Biodiversity Garden Project, funded by a grant from Youth in Philanthropy. Schools are invited to submit their interest in participating in this exciting program, which will see a Gould League educator working with students to create a wildlife habitat garden on school grounds.

During two incursions, our educator will guide a team of students through the process of planning and planting a garden. The first session will provide students will the opportunity to undertake a series of authentic scientific tests to assess the needs of the garden space. They will also undertake a biodiversity survey of the area and plan the garden layout. Using the student generated data, Gould League will create a list of suitable plants and provide detailed instructions on any required soil preparation works. During the second incursions the student team will be equipped with practical horticultural skills so they are able to maintain and expand the garden

Each successful school will receive:

  • 2 x 1.5 hour incursions
  • 1 x Biodiversity themed excursion to Gould League’s Sustainability Education Centre (can be substituted with an incursion to reduce bus costs) for up to 30 students
  • $100 worth of plants, purchased at a discount price through our supplier and delivered to the school
  • Professional Development session for up to six teachers at the Sustainability Education Centre, held out of school hours
  • Teacher resource pack on USB
  • Comprehensive advice of soil improvements
  • List of suitable plants for the site to equip the community to expand the garden if desired

Schools will be responsible for supplying:

  • A suitable garden site
  • Any required buses
  • Gardening tools and gloves
  • A suitable group of students (up to 30) to participate in the incursions
  • Soil and site preparations as required with guidance from Gould League’s horticultural expert


Places are limited, to register your interest or for more information contact us on (03) 9555 5565 or at [email protected]



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