Showing 49–64 of 65 results

  • Web monster minibeasts

    Monsters and more Mini-Beasts – Activites for schoolyard nature studies


    Monsters and more Mini-Beasts – Activites for schoolyard nature studies.

    This 30 page booklet is a great support tool for teaches of primary school children, parents who take their children on hikes, teachers or youth leaders who conduct campaign programs outdoors as it provide many opportunities for help children gain a better understanding of their natural environment.

    Available in hardcopy or PDF.  If you wish to receive a PDF version -please specify in your special instructions or delivery option or email and let us know.

  • Sale! Owls journeys around the world

    Owls-Journeys Around the World

    Original price was: $40.00.Current price is: $20.00.

    A book as much about passion as it is about science. A book not just about owls but also about their dwindling habitat and the remarkable people who care for them. The essays are stimulating and evocative, taking the reader on a succession of journeys. They contain a wealth of owl observation and information, conveying the wonder of these mysterious birds.

    21 owls are profiled with photography ranging from the plate camera to the digital image. A magnificent keepsake.
    Author: David Hollands
    Published by: Bloomings Books, Melbourne

    Note – Due to the weight of the book, the book price has been reduced. It’s also cheaper to send this book via express post  than regular post, so the only option for post is express post so you get the book and shipping for the recommended retail price of this book.

  • Parks and Gardens - Gould League Book

    Parks and Gardens: Teachers Guide


    Parks and gardens are both familiar and exciting which makes them great places to learn.

    Students use an inquiry approach to investigate, appreciate and care for local environments. Includes introductory activities in the classroom and for one or more excursions. Helps achieve multiple learning outcomes in an enjoyable way right across the curriculum from science to music.

  • Pond the murray cod cover

    Ponde the Murray Cod (PDF only)


    Ponde the Murray Cod is the story of Ponde by Phil Calwallader with images by Andrew Plant. It has been supported by the Murray Darling Basin to bring awareness to the Murray Cod – where he lives, the challenge he undertakes on a daily basis and what we can do to support him!

  • Gould League Ponding Book



    Discover activities that are designed to encourage an understanding of the relationship between plants, animals and the environment through the rich and diverse freshwater life found in lakes, ponds and even puddles.

    Designed for children from middle-primary to middle-secondary age, with four full-colour sticker sheets.

    Authors: Wilhelmina Wallis and Chris Smyth. Illustrations by Alexis Beckett.

  • Web ponding pack

    Ponding Publications Pack


    This helpful kit of books contains:

    Freshwater Invertebrates – Illustrated identification key with informative text.
    Ponding (Activities) – Explore the rich and diverse freshwater life found in lakes, ponds and even puddles.
    Australian Guide to Pondlife – Discover ferocious hunters, timid swimmers and armour-plated monsters in this hidden world.

  • Riding the Tide

    Riding the Tide


    Marine based activity book with colourful stickers.

  • Sale! Schoolyard wildlife pack

    Schoolyard Wildlife Kit

    Original price was: $80.00.Current price is: $60.00.

    This is an exceptional kit for teachers that includes many activities to engage students in outdoor activities and learning.  Books includes:

    • Backyard Wildlife Teacher’s Notes: Fantastic original teachers’ activities for identifying creatures in your backyard or school ground.
    • Urban Wildlife: Reference/ID book on Urban Wildlife with hand-drawn illustrations. Urban areas provide many opportunities for people who live in Australia’s cities and towns to participate in environmental activities. This book focuses on conservation and ecology of urban habitats in our parks, streets and suburban backyards.
    • Australian Guide to Garden Wildlife: Your garden is home to thousands of amazing tiny creatures. This 50 page book will help you explore your gardens as if you were are on Safari! It is filled with beautiful photographs for ease of identification. This child friendly field guide is available in PDF version only.
    • Monsters & More Minibeasts: This 30 page booklet is a great support tool for teaches of primary school children, parents who take their children on hikes, teachers or youth leaders who conduct campaign programs outdoors as it provide many opportunities for help children gain a better understanding of their natural environment.
  • Sale! The gould league book of australian birds

    The Gould League Book of Australian Birds (PDF only)

    Original price was: $10.00.Current price is: $5.00.

    The Gould League Book of Australian Birds by Don Goodsir and Tony Oliver.
    It’s an Australian Favourite of bird lovers featuring over 100 magnificent Australian birds.  Check out the index to see if you can find your favourite and the image gallery for a taste of what to expect.

    PDF download link will be sent immediately after payment is received. You will have 14 days only to download your copy.

  • Web litter pack

    The Great Litter Hunt Kit


    With 15 student comics per kit, this kit provides a fun way of discovering the problems caused by litter.

    Designed by waste educators, it provides great ideas for classroom action.

    Also includes teachers’ activity book and CD of great litter songs.

  • The nestbox book by gould league

    The Nestbox Book 1st Edition (pdf)


    The Nestbox Book by Gould League gives you 64 pages of step by step instructions on how to build new homes for 26 species from birds and bats through to possums and gliders who’s natural habitat has been destroyed. It guides you on how high to place them, species breeding details and much more.  It will also help you to establish a management plan for the boxes to ensure we do not inadvertently support unwanted species who are in direct competition with native birds and mammals for food, water and shelter – as we want to help not further damage our recovering wildlife.

    This first edition book was published by Gould League in 1997.  It was complied by Jim Grant, with contribution by Hugo Phillipps (Birds Australia – RAOU), Tim Gunn (Gecco Nestboxes), Russell Trainor, Rob Morrison and Ellen McCullock (Bird Observers Club of Australia) in attempt to help protect native wildlife who were fast losing their habitat.

    PDF download link will be sent immediately after payment is received. You will have 14 days only to download your copy.  Enjoy!

    If you would however like to receive a free PDF copy of our most up to date Nestbox Book to  help with wildlife recovery, email and tell us:
    Your name
    Your address
    Phone number
    How many and what type of boxes you intend to build and install
    Location for installation

    This information would be greatly appreciated as we wish to track how the book is being used and what nest boxes are being built.

    If you can take some photos during construction and give us any pics of the installations, they would be greatly appreciated as this helps us with funding of various programs so we can get support for more of these activities.  It also helps inspire others to do the same!

  • Web nestbox

    The Nestbox Book 2nd Edition (PDF only)


    This is a practical and informative 60 page book that guides you through the process of selecting, constructing,  installing and maintaining a selection of nestles for a variety of native Australian birds and mammals. There are great to use after fire has decimated a region to give these species refuge until the plants and trees have time to regrow.

    There are nestbox plans for 25 different species – 16  birds, 8 mammals and bats. It also guides you on how high to place them, species breeding details and much more.

    It also helps you to establish a management plan for the boxes to ensure we do not inadvertently support unwanted species who are in direct competition with native birds and mammals for food, water and shelter – as we want to help not further damage our recovering wildlife.

    This book was first published by Gould League in 1997.  It was complied by Jim Grant, with contribution by Hugo Phillipps (Birds Australia – RAOU), Tim Gunn (Gecco Nestboxes), Russell Trainor, Rob Morrison and Ellen McCullock (Bird Observers Club of Australia) in attempt to help protect native wildlife who were fast losing their habitat.  This latest version was reproduced and updated in 2008.  This book is currently only available in PDF.

    PDF download link will be sent immediately after payment is received. You will have 14 days only to download your copy.  Enjoy!

    If you are looking to use this book to helping support wildlife recovery after the fires that have killed over a billion wild animals, or a school using this as part of lesson plans – email us at giving us a bit of information about you and how you will use the nest box book,  and we will provide this to you FREE of Charge.

    Please provide us the following information:

    Organisation Name (if applicable)
    Contact name
    Phone No
    Email Address
    How many and what type of boxes you intend to build and install
    Location for installation

    If you can take some photos during construction and give us any pics of the installations, they would be greatly appreciated as this helps us with funding of various programs so we can get more support for these activities. It also helps inspire others to do the same!

  • Time traveller's guide to ancient australia

    Time Traveller’s Guide to Ancient Australia


    Time Traveller’s Guide to Ancient Australia by Gould League

    This magnificent 32 page B&W book comes with 12 colour stickers and takes a journey through ancient Australia. It explores the age of worms and jellies, an era when armoured invertebrates ruled, reefs and sea scorpions, the age of armoured fish, life under the ice, giant amphibians, when dinosaurs rules Gondwana, the great flood, the age of isolation and the disappearing giants!  This beautifully   designed book is perfect for the inquisitive mind who may also like to bring our ancient past alive through colouring pictures.

    It’s prefect for lower primary school children written by Gould League with  support from Melbourne University and the Museum of Victoria. It’s one of those books children will treasure and reflect on for years to come.

  • Sale! Trees front cover

    TREES – An activity-based curriculum guide (PDF only)

    Original price was: $25.00.Current price is: $20.00.

    TREES – An Activity-based curriculum guide by Gould League and VAEE.

    Trees are a great starting point for Science, Visual Arts, Drama, Media, SOSE and music explorations, and enquiries. Trees can be found in most school yards and their variability in both detail and scale is fantastic. Their uses for people are interesting, accessible and at times controversial.

    This guide, designed for primary students, integrates a variety of approaches and issues into simple activities, presentations and projects.

    Concrete and practical learning and considered social action are build upon the enthusiasm generated from students’ enjoyment of the natural world. Learning outcomes across the curriculum can be achieved as students improve skills and get involved in hands-on learning.

    This is a must for teachers and parents looking to engage children in the natural world.  This is out of print, but now available for all to enjoy in PDF format so you can print activities as you need them.

    PDF download link will be sent immediately after payment is received. You will have 14 days only to download your copy.  Enjoy!

  • Urban Wildlife - Gould League

    Urban Wildlife


    Urban areas provide many opportunities for people who live in Australia’s cities and towns to participate in environmental activities. There is an increasing focus upon conservation and ecology of ubran habitats in our parks, streets and suburban backyards.

    Urban Wildlife is for all people interested in wildlife living within urban environments – helping readers understand the many opportunities to conserve wildlife from garden skinks and birds, to frogs, fish and nightlife such as the Tawny Frogmouth and Feathertail glider. It’s 48 pages that identifies hundreds of species and what they need to survive.

    Written by Gavin Byrt. First edition 1982 (as Urban Survival), Reprinted 1988. 47 pages, A4 size.

  • Weedbusters



    “Weedbusters – Activities, Information and Curriculum Links” is a refreshing approach to weed education, suitable for classroom and outdoor focus.

    Take another look at weeds! Weeds are a fascinating and exciting teacher resource waiting to be explored in your schoolground and beyond. Everything you need for a unit of work – practical activities, curriculum links, wild experiments and investigations.

    This publication is an attempt to bring the weeds message to an extremely important group of people – students, the land and water managers of the very near future.

    This Weedbusters book provides diverse activities and information that will encourage students to explore weeds from a number of perspectives – beginning with their own.

    Activities offer many learning outcomes, particularly in Science and SOSE at curriculum levels 3, 4 and 5.